saturday nights in loser standards.

Take pictures of yourself. Think that they are awesome. Post them online. Hope that nobody will see them.

But here you go. I found this outfit rather cute. On a scale from one to ten, I give it a sturdy six. Something is still missing. Here's hoping for it to be found. One day.
The picture was taken with orange lighting. The camera stood with the support of a bottle of water on one side, and a Victoria's Secret body mist bottle on the other. Needless to say, my awkward position is the neat result of my having rushed to appear before the timer clicks the picture away. Hence the lame position, very un-model like. But, truth be told, I am convinced enough to post it. So here it goes.

[Shame on me to be typing the night away, thinking that the whole world is waiting for my posts to be published, when the only people who actually check my blog, are the people I harass by overwhelming them with links sent by email. The title of each email being: "Please check! Tell me if you like!"? Naaah.]

Okay that's enough for tonight.

Ta'night. G'night!


  1. I really like your blog, I'm a new follower =)

  2. Cute sweater! That pattern is fantastic. I really adore your watercolor blog header - so unique :D


  3. Such a cute little pose, hehe :)I also love the pattern on that shirt... I could stare at it for hours!

    Aya ♥ Strawberry Koi


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